Joan Sherry R.I.P.

We regret to announce the death of Joan Sherry, one of the founder members of our Catholic History Society. Joan was a talented lady, a committed Catholic and an enthusiastic member of our society. She came to the Island to live at Brading in 1956 and was a prominent member of St. Patrick’s Parish in Sandown, where she formed Children’s choir to sing at Masses. Music and singing were Joan’s life. He was a talented opera, jazz and classical musician, with a keen interest also in church music. She wrote a book: “Dancing with the Lord”.

At the Funeral Mass at St. Patrick’s on 3rd March, Fr. P.J. Smith reminded the congregation that Joan had “a deep faith. She brought much joy to parishioners through her desire to celebrate and to share her faith”.

Concelebrating the Requiem Mass were Fr. Brian Coogan and two former parish priests of Sandown, – Fr. Claro and Fr. Tibor.

Joan joined the Catholic History Society right from the start in 2001 and contributed greatly to our compilation of historical records on St. Patrick’s. She also had a keen interest in the work of the Missionary Sisters at “Verbum Dei” at Carisbrooke. In her latter years much of her time was spent in voluntary work there. Many members will remember Joan giving a talk and a guided tour of Verbum Dei to our society when we visited in 2003. Her enthusiasm for their work inspired all of us that day.

Please remember Joan in your prayers.

Requiescat in pace