Island People

Island Filipino group

Ventnor Confirmation 1958

Monument to Sir John Simeon between Newport and Carisbrooke.

Fr. Brian Coogan – 75 years a priest

Inauguration of the IoW Catholic History Society

Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Monks of Quarr Abbey

Presentation of medal to Fr. Anthony Glaysher for promoting papal visit of 2010

Centenary of St. Cecilia’s Abbey. 2007

Presentation of Diocesan medals

Presentation on the Feast of St. Wilfrid. 2021

Talk of St. Wilfrid – Patron of the Island.

Anniversary cake at St. Wilfrid’s, Ventnor.

St. Wilfrid – Patron of the Island

Corpus Christi Procession (1950s) at Ventnor

Bishop John Henry King at Ventnor (1950s)

Confirmation (1950s) at Ventnor

Fr. Jonathan Redvers Harris – 10th anniversary of Ordination

Isle of Wight Ordinariate group. 2011

An Isle of Wight Carmelite

Rosary Rally promotion 2020

Fr. Jonathan Redvers Harris – 60th birthday

Service of Celebration of the canonization of St. John Henry Newman. 2019.

Solemn High Mass at St. Mary’s, Ryde. 2009

Wearing a mantilla with pride

Fr. Seth Phipps FSSP prepares for Mass

Blessing of newly ordained priest’s hands

St. Michael’s Church choir

Island Martyrs memorial

Animals / Pets Service, 2014

Annual Service of Blessing of Animals / Pets

Annual Animal / Pets Service. 2015

Sea Sunday – Blessing of the sea. 2016.

Dominican nuns at St. Dominic’s Priory. 1926

Corpus Christi Procession. 1955

Book Launch “The Rosary – England’s Prayer”

Fr. Glaysher offers High Mass in Westminster Cathedral.

Bishop John Baptist Cahill – Funeral cortege. August, 1910

Fr. Glaysher’s final Sunday Mass in Ryde

Requiem Mass for Cardinal Murphy O’Connor. R.I.P.

Fr. Glaysher’s Farewell Party, 2017

Fr. Anthony Glaysher’s Farewell Party, 2017

Fr. Brian Coogan’s 70th anniversary Mass

Fr. Brian Coogan. 70 years a priest.

Fr. Anthony Glaysher (Parish Priest of Ryde 2008-2017)

Bishop William Cotter

Bishop John Baptist Cahill

Service for the 150th anniversary of Newman’s visit to Ryde

Bishop Philip Egan

Bishop Philip Egan

Mass at Sheat Manor, Gatcombe

Golden Jubilee celebrations for Holy Cross Church, Seaview in 2007

Island Catholics process to St. Dominic’s Priory cemetery

Monsignor Keith Newton with Frs Jonathan Redvers Harris and Anthony Glaysher

Island clergy with Abbots Geoffrey Scott of Douai and Cuthbert Johnson of Quarr

Fr. Brian Coogan of East Cowes

Centenary Service for Bishop Cahill

Fr. John Dunne (died 2010), former parish priest of Ryde with Fr. Anthony Glaysher

Fr. Michael Purbrick, Parish Priest of Cowes

Canon McDermot-Roe with Fr. Anthony Glaysher

Canon McDermot-Roe celebrates his diamond jubilee